
Sensory Processing Disorder

Sensory Processing Disorder. SPD. It looks a little bit different for every child. Sometimes it’s a stand-alone diagnosis, and sometimes it walks hand in hand with autism, ADHD, anxiety, and many others. For us, SPD looked a whole lot like an extreme tantrum mixed with a little fear and a whole lot of rage. Which is saying a lot when it’s embodied by a two and a half year old. It looked like a meltdown that would either end like someone flicked a light switch, or with a tear streaked face passed out in your arms. It still looks like angry crying for “no reason,” and simply wanting to be home. It wants everything to be perfect, to have a schedule, to know ahead of time the steps that will be taken, and it needs plenty of time to “warm up.” It needs the ability to recharge, to get away, and to feel safe. It can’t stand a combination of loud noise, things changing quickly, and bright, flashing, colorful lights. It’s wanting to be in the crook of your mom’s arm, pressed tightly against her...